Sara Duell

Sara Duell (born in Stockholm, Sweden 1987) works at the intersection of art and graphic design, with a focus on visual literacy and social justice. Working within a feminist, antiracist framework, Sara uses design to disrupt normative discourses and create transformative, pleasurable spaces. She also writes about the hidden politics of visual language and published writing in Design Observer and the Photobook review.

She has a bachelor degree in communication design from Emily Carr University of Art and Design (Vancouver, Canada) and lives in New York City. In the last year she co-founded WMN - a zine that showcases work from lesbian artist and poets living in rural areas and cities with a population of 800000 or less. The zine was written up in Autostraddle, “the world’s most popular lesbian website” and the Canadian magazine Broken Pencil. She attended Vermont Studio center in 2018 where she made a series of satirical metal posters that reference a large array of multilayered sources: from heavy metal aesthetics to feminist theory of the body to the work of classicist and poet Anne Carson. Beyong that she designed a photobook that features flying muscle cars (a finalist in the Lucie Photo Book Prize) by photographer Matthew Porter. She also hosted a talk with the Swedish design studio and artist group Bastion Bastion Agency on feminist form at Ten10 Studios in October.


Hannah Harley

Hannah Harley is visual artist whose conceptual work is heavily influenced by societal issues, specifically those surrounding intimacy, the female experience, and contemporary cultural shifts.